With retro design all the rage for the last few years, it’s no wonder that bar carts are suddenly de rigueur for any self-respecting socialite. I spoke about the trend for a bar area in my post last year but I wanted to share a few tricks to getting a perfectly styled bar cart that looks beautiful and is functional as well.

I do want to make it clear you don’t actually need to have a bar cart at all to create a bar area in your home. Our full range of sideboards and console tables also make great surfaces to hold your bar area necessities so fear not if you don’t have one. A few simple trays will corral your items together making it just as fashionable as a trolley.


A mix of different glassware will be an essential for any self-respecting bar area but you certainly don’t have to stock every type of glass to create a well-styled area. Take cues from what you normally prefer as a tipple and two to three other varieties as well. Consider red and white wine glasses, champagne flutes, high-ball glasses and glasses for shorts. I find vintage glassware can be found at most second-hand shops and mixing and matching make for a pretty bar area.

Extraordinary bottles

Of course, your alcohol will be stocked on your bar cart so why not choose those varieties that not only taste great but look good too? From the bright blue of Bombay Sapphire to the rustic touch of Monkey Shoulder to the morose glam of  Crystal Head Vodka and the stately simplicity of Hendricks Gin, there are plenty of beautifully designed bottles which will make your bar area shine.

A cocktail shaker

How else will you mix up your signature drink without a cocktail shaker? There are so many on the market now that will make any home bar look professional and they come in at every different price point so there’s really no excuse not to have one handy to get the party started.

Something non-alcoholic

Let’s not forget about our friends the designated drivers or those who are teetotal. Having a perfectly stocked bar cart means we should be catering to as many as possible and having a few bottles on hand of sparkling water or ‘grown up’ fruit drinks is always a great idea. I particularly love the look of Belvoir drinks as they’ll add a dash of cheery colour to the mix.

Something living

Adding some freshness to our cart by way of flowers or plants is always a great idea. There’s no need to go with an expensive bouquet here – just a few simple blooms or a small plant can be just enough to add that organic touch to our arrangement and goes a long way to creating an inviting look.

A bit of art or some books

While these may not be the first things we think about when we consider our bar cart styling, so many of our examples use a small piece of art or a few stacks of books that you simply can’t ignore the added interest they bring. Adding height, colour and a bit of variety, try to incorporate either one for a great looking display. If your books are on cocktail mixes, you’ll even get bonus points.

A champagne or ice bucket

A great looking champagne or ice bucket deserves to be seen so why not include this on your bar cart? Perfect for allowing guests to mix their own drinks and not have to raid your freezer for additional ice, keep it well stocked to ensure every drink is cold and refreshing.

What do you keep on your bar cart? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!