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Use of your information

What will happen when you apply:

We will use the information you have provided to us to submit a finance application to our finance providers on your behalf. If your application is not accepted by one of our lenders we will submit this information to other lenders on your behalf.
When you apply, our lender(s) will search your record at credit reference and fraud prevention agencies, which will include information about anyone with whom you have, or have had, joint personal financial arrangements such as joint accounts or have made joint credit applications (a "financial associate"). It may be your spouse or partner (not a business partner). Our lender(s) may also, in certain limited circumstances, if you are a director or partner in a small business check on your business.
If you give us false or inaccurate information and we identify fraud, this will be recorded with fraud prevention agencies. Law enforcement agencies may access and use this information. Our lender(s) will use a scoring or other automated decision-making system to assess your application and to verify your identity.

What the credit reference agencies will do:

Whether or not this application proceeds, the credit reference agency will place a record of the search(es) on your credit file. This record (but not our lender(s) name) will be seen by other organisations when you apply for credit in the future.
A large number of applications within a short period of time could affect your ability to obtain credit. Whether or not this application proceeds, the agencies will link your records and those of your financial associate(s), including any previous and subsequent names. These links will remain on your and their files until you or they tell the agency you are no longer financially linked and the agency accepts this.
The agencies will supply our lender(s) with credit information, such as previous applications, the conduct of accounts in your and your financial associate's name, fraud prevention information and public information such as County Court judgments, bankruptcies and the Electoral Register.

How the agency information will be used:

Some information held by the credit reference and fraud prevention agencies will be disclosed to our lender(s) and other organisations to, for example:

Prevent fraud and money laundering, for example by checking details on:
Applications for: credit or credit related activity.

Proposals and claims for all types of insurance.
Job applicants and employees.
Recover debts that you owe and trace your whereabouts.
Manage credit accounts and other facilities.
Verify your identity.
Make decisions on credit, insurance and other facilities, about you, your financial associate(s), members of your household or your business.
Carry out statistical analysis to help with decisions about credit and account management.
Our lender(s) and other organisations may access and use, from other countries, the information recorded by fraud prevention agencies.
If you require details of those credit reference and fraud prevention agencies from which our lender(s) obtain, and to which our lender(s) pass, information about you please contact us and we will provide you with the contact details of the relevant lender. You have a legal right to these details.
You have the right to receive a copy of the information our lender(s) hold about you if you apply to our lender(s) in writing.
If you have supplied an email address or mobile telephone number we may use these to provide you with information about your account


We may use your information to tell you about our products and services by letter, telephone, email or text message.
We may also pass your personal information to other companies in the group, or the organisation which introduced you to us, who may use it to inform you by letter or telephone about their products and services.
In any instances we will do so according to your rights and in line with our Privacy Policy.


By submitting your application you are confirming that:
You have read and understood how the information you provide will be used.
You have the agreement of your financial associate(s) to disclose their information. (A financial associate is a person with whom I have, or have had, joint personal financial arrangements such as joint accounts or have made joint credit applications. This may be my spouse or partner.)
You agree to your personal information being passed to other lender(s) if your application is not accepted.


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