01 days 21 hours 30 mins 05 secs
01 days 21 hours 30 mins 05 secs


Avg. 5.0 stars out of 1 review

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Value for money

This was rather expensive and I must admit we took a bit of a gamble when buying this. However, we have both noticed the quantifiable difference. I get out of bed with ease compared with the days of our old mattress. It's true... If you want a good night's sleep and to awake, ache-free, buy a good quality mattress.

Andrew Ketley - 15 January 2024

King-Size Mattress | Wool & Pillowtop - Regular

Save £80 £1,699.99


Finance from £45.00 p/m

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Buy this mattress for £1,457.99 when purchased with a bed frame. Finance from £41 p/m*

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