It all comes down to personal opinion, and that’s why we choose not to include firmness ratings in our description. What your toddler might consider firm would be completely different to what an International Rugby Player would think of!
But don’t worry, there are some very handy guidelines to keep in mind when selecting a mattress with a desired feel.
Where pocket springs are concerned, the general rule is that the higher the spring count, the better the support and durability. Because we work exclusively with the UK craftsmen of Cotswold Beds, we ensure that there is a consistent wire gauge or thickness across our range, so the pocket spring count is a fantastic indicator of firmness. Other mattress manufacturers occasionally vary the gauge of their pocket springs depending on the overall count, though, which can mean that this rule doesn’t always ring true, so be sure you check the gauge when comparing the feel. However, thanks to our high-quality standards, this is not the case for our mattresses.
We also use varying densities of foam to create the perfect feel for your individual tastes. Many of our ranges have options for a “Supportive” or “Extra” feel; this indicates that two different types of foam are used. The higher density foam of our “Extra” mattresses is great for couples looking for balance, or for making a lower pocket spring count feel more sturdy.
Before you select your ideal firmness, think about who will be sleeping on your mattress. Couples sharing a bed will need more firmness than a child or toddler. A guest room accommodates a variety of sleepers, so a mid-range pocket spring count or a foam mattress could be a fantastic choice.